Saturday, February 21, 2009

Free Gifts, Gardening and Coop

Catch up time, lol !! I am sending the gifts from OWOH contest out, and sadly we had no visitors or a winner for this weeks free gift!! Each Friday, there will be a drawing for a free gift !! Next Friday, February 27, 2009 the drawing will be for a 2 oz jar of arnica salve, just what you need for all those boo boo's !
I am sitting here, Sat morning, reflecting on what I was able to accomplish yesterday and what I am not doing outside today, for it is 36 degrees, with a windchill of 25 at 11 am ! The sun is falsely shining beautifully, but I have no desire to be out there !
I laid out and marked the placing of my blueberry bushes and fruit trees ( I am going to move all the ones that are spread over the yard, into one area for an orchard). I laid out the straw to plant potatoes in and cut the potatoes to dry, for planting, probably tomorrow. I planted onion starts and seeds of California poppy, lettuce, spinach, cress, parsley and peas. I planted the peas in with my valerian plants, since both will have to be staked. I also move the mother feverfew plant and find what I am sure is some volunteers, replanted them in a more secure spot and will know when they flower. I planted both orange and a few red poppies, both in the front and back yards, they like to sprout during the cold, so they should have no problem right now, lol.
Oh and I wanted to mention that this week was coop delivery, so I got (with daugther's help) the order together and delivered to the pick up site. Kind of a small amount of orders this month, but that is to be expected, when I had to take a few months off. Thank the Creator for some loyal customers!


Tumbleweed Trails said...

I hope your weekend is going well. I am following your blog as I discovered it durng OWOH. I don't know much about gardening or herbs, but what others know fascinates me. Gardening etc. is foreign to me. It's so fun reading about everything you do and make. The past few weeks have been crazily busy so I'm behind on my blog reading etc. Soon, I hope to catch up. Plus I am attempting to get my own blog set up, which I know nothing about. Hmm, I have so much to learn. Jody

Kathi said...

I meant to stop by your blog on Friday, but here it is 7 am on Saturday morning and I just remembered! Hope you are surviving our cold snap today.

Pam said...

if you see this, I need your address to send a gift to you


Funky Fairy Shoppe said...

Thank you for the Herbal 1st Aid Kit! The day after it arrived, my 13 year old burned her hand pretty bad on her hair straightener and I grabbed your 1st Aid Kit and used some Afterburn lotion on her. We used it 3 more times and her hand only has a slight redness to it and she says it doesn't sting at all anymore. She's now using the Afterburn morning and night until the burn is completely healed.

Thank you so much!